How voters can weaken democratic values. Ballots were turned in on Tuesday for Oregon’s primary election. Portland Mayor, Oregon Governor, and United States President were all polled. Bernie Sanders won Oregon, all but Gilliam County, against Hillary Clinton. A simultaneous vote in Kentucky was split, remaining too close to call. Sanders regardless should gain more delegates […]
Category: Opinion
The Joyce Hotel closure represents all that is wrong with urban housing. The other night, I was at my favorite Egyptian food cart on SW 9th Ave, just a few blocks from Joyce Hotel. This five dollar meal has become an affordable option for me, but as recently as the beginning of this year, it […]
Nine Candidates Focus on Economic Issues and Inclusive Politics. One important message stands out from the Portland Mayoral debates that took place on Thursday at the Oregon Historical Society: Inclusiveness. All nine candidates have their brand of community-driven politics. All of them envision a bountiful, prosperous future for Portland, so it all comes down to […]
Super Tuesday is meaningless if we can’t take one step forward. I recently unsubscribed from the Bernie Sanders email list. The incessant need for contributions was annoying. I realize all campaigns are structured like that, and it was his snubbing of the Super PAC that first impressed me, so raising $75M at an average of $27 […]
Anyone who is surprised by the doomed attempts of 31 United States governors to block Syrian refugees need not look further than the 1930’s, when American politicians barred Jewish women and children fleeing Nazi Germany. A recent Washington Post poll showed that more than half of all Americans oppose Syrian refugees relocating to the United States. […]