Current Events Thrupoint Podcast

Protest, Media, and Protest Media

Photo by Anonymous9000 Episode 6 On this program, we sit with Taylor Eisele, a young media guy whose initial foray into journalism has focused on politics and protest. His recent work under the guise of Stumptown Studios has focused on covering the alt-right and far-left counter protests. I wanted to talk about media from this […]

Conspiracy Thrupoint Podcast

Newsgate! Is Conspiracy the New News?

Cornelius Swart discusses the discipline of journalism, why it is perceived as fake, how it can save us from propaganda, and how to be a more vigilant media consumer. Sean introduces the program with a reading from Krishnamurti, and begins the trickle of Pizzagate revelations soon to be published. Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory born […]

Current Events Thrupoint Podcast

From All Sides of the Portland Mega Protest

Music for this podcast comes from Protestant Work Ethic, a song called, “As They Are Blown Here and There.” On Sunday, there was a mega protest bringing a spectrum of political persuasion into a single campus in downtown Portland, Oregon. From City Hall, where non-violent resistance was preached, to Chapman Square where anarchists riled things […]

Current Events Report

Portlanders Should Act Fast on Relocation Assistance

City ordinance to protect Portland renters could be dashed by association of landlords called Multifamily NW. Last week, dozens of dire Portlanders flocked to David Douglas High School for a free class focused on Portland’s new Tenant Relocation Assistance ordinance. Throughout the class, hands rose into the air from people that seemed desperate to vent […]

Conspiracy Current Events Opinion

The Cold War of Fake News

Russia: Still typecast as the anti-U.S. bogey man As Wikileaks churned out emails over the last year from Hillary Clinton’s private server, the Democratic National Committee, and John Podesta’s personal Gmail, attempts to discredit the content were waged by U.S. officials, journalists, and politicians. Julian Assange observes an effort to conflate leaks with hacks, muddying up details, and he […]