Content Submission

Become a contributor.

This gives you a portal for just about any kind of media. An Editor will review your submission and recommend it for publication, editing, or rejection. Our criteria for content is wide-open, diverse views are encouraged, but anything hateful or incoherent will be rejected.

You are encouraged to review the site, read about THRU to get a sense of our philosophy. Please also realize that this is a voluntary publication. You own the intellectual material, we publish it.

This form can also be used simply to introduce yourself, maybe as a designer or web developer, and may not have something to submit per se, but you could demonstrate your capabilities nicely with that little magic box.

If everything checks out, your profile will be accepted and an Editor will be in touch with you. With a contributor’s profile, you have the opportunity to submit content directly through your profile at any time. With respect to final published content, our editorial process is like a traditional magazine and the final copy is prepared by the Publisher.