Conspiracy Current Events Opinion

The Cold War of Fake News

Russia: Still typecast as the anti-U.S. bogey man As Wikileaks churned out emails over the last year from Hillary Clinton’s private server, the Democratic National Committee, and John Podesta’s personal Gmail, attempts to discredit the content were waged by U.S. officials, journalists, and politicians. Julian Assange observes an effort to conflate leaks with hacks, muddying up details, and he […]


SXSW Begins: Wikileaks, Texas, and Sleeplessness

Upon receipt of the festival guides, after curving through the maze of registrants looking for their badge, and having perused three volumes of programming (Interactive, Film, and Music) detailed in paperback books akin to college course catalogues – however with a whole lot of advertisements from major corporate sponsors – my head began to spin […]