Comedy Festival

Day 3: I’m Never Invited to the Party

No preamble is necessary here; let’s get straight to it. Risk!, at Bagdad Theater was the first show I attended last night because I am attracted to storytelling like it’s the ultimate destination of my entire creative life, and that’s what it was, intimate, personal storytelling from comedians. There are storytellers and there are comics […]

Comedy Festival

Day 2: Very Little Stand Up

On day one of this great comedy convergence in Bridgetown, Portland, OR, I was driving north from Ashland, OR, after a 4½-month sojourn of the southwest in my ’86 Toyota Tercel. Although I passed by the Mt. Tabor Theater knowing that Me and my wristband for four days of comedy only required stepping inside the […]

Literature and Spoken Word Opinion

The iGalaxy: From Gutenberg to Jobs

The Gutenberg Galaxy is a fascinating study published in 1962 at the onset of our now thriving digital age. Author, Marshall McLuhan was aware of the coming revolution in consciousness as a result of digital technology, soon to be of utmost importance to international events such as the moon landing of 1969. McLuhan died in 1980, prior […]