Literature and Spoken Word Political Economy

Democracy > Capitalism > Internet < Hope

You will never hear me utter the phrase, “I couldn’t agree more,” because nothing is entirely agreeable. The title to this book seems disagreeable for many, especially at first. Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy, does not read as some absurdly unsupported rant. Indeed, nothing can be more agreeable than the […]


Good Buy Economy

Our Economy, modern capitalism and democracy, is all about “The Good Buy”. Every day, you will have a conversation like, “How much did you pay for that, where’d you get it?” “Salvation Army, three bucks.” “Wow, that’s a smokin’ deal!” But you’re probably not in the conversation where you would say, “How much did you […]

Literature and Spoken Word Opinion

The iGalaxy: From Gutenberg to Jobs

The Gutenberg Galaxy is a fascinating study published in 1962 at the onset of our now thriving digital age. Author, Marshall McLuhan was aware of the coming revolution in consciousness as a result of digital technology, soon to be of utmost importance to international events such as the moon landing of 1969. McLuhan died in 1980, prior […]