
Day 2: Rain, Dance Floors and Distractions

There are many facets to South by Southwest Festival. The “convergence” is the mission and the miracle of it all. From all over the world, people crowd Austin Convention Center from all sorts of disciplines and levels of interest: gamers and tech-heads see the newest computers, graphics systems, gaming concepts, phones, and what all; entrepreneurs […]


SXSW Begins: Wikileaks, Texas, and Sleeplessness

Upon receipt of the festival guides, after curving through the maze of registrants looking for their badge, and having perused three volumes of programming (Interactive, Film, and Music) detailed in paperback books akin to college course catalogues – however with a whole lot of advertisements from major corporate sponsors – my head began to spin […]

Literature and Spoken Word Opinion

The iGalaxy: From Gutenberg to Jobs

The Gutenberg Galaxy is a fascinating study published in 1962 at the onset of our now thriving digital age. Author, Marshall McLuhan was aware of the coming revolution in consciousness as a result of digital technology, soon to be of utmost importance to international events such as the moon landing of 1969. McLuhan died in 1980, prior […]