Current Events Thrupoint Podcast

From All Sides of the Portland Mega Protest

Music for this podcast comes from Protestant Work Ethic, a song called, “As They Are Blown Here and There.”

On Sunday, there was a mega protest bringing a spectrum of political persuasion into a single campus in downtown Portland, Oregon. From City Hall, where non-violent resistance was preached, to Chapman Square where anarchists riled things up, and then across the street, where an alliance of labor unions demonstrated, their collective objective was to resist and to surround Terry Schrunk Plaza, where a rally for Free Speech was organized by pro-Trump activists.

Not all of the activists on any side agree on tactics; they remain ideologically fractured. In this environment, I decided to talk to as many people as I could, and listen to the rally cries. Aside from activist-journalist Lisa Loving, everybody was a member of the general public and randomly selected to be interviewed. I thank everyone for talking to me, regardless of their beliefs.

Guests in order of appearance:

Scott, liberal health worker
Lisa Loving, progressive journalist
Tom, media critic
Janice, voting activist
Gloria, lifelong Republican
Sean, union activist

Below are the videos and photos that help illustrate the audio in the podcast. Not pictured here is Gloria and Sean, as they ran off before I could get pictures.

Correction: Lisa Loving was mentioned incorrectly as the KBOO FM News Editor, she left her position there in January this year. Her title was News Director.

Sean Ongley

By Sean Ongley

Co-Founder of THRU Media. A background in non-profit, music, and radio preceded my ambitions here. Now, I aspire to produce new media and publish independent journalism at this site and beyond.

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