
I Want to Be Like Carr

Sincere. Generous. Loyal. Hilarious. Empathetic. That was my friend David Carr. RIP. — Andrew Ross Sorkin (@andrewrsorkin) February 13, 2015 Andrew Ross Sorkin, a colleague of Carr’s at the New York Times, posted this tweet the day after David Carr, media columnist for the New York Times, died in the newsroom. A few days later, Bruce […]

Report War & Peace

Political Prison of The Islamic State

Peshmerga fighters in Syria. Photo by John Moore/Getty Images The writer is beleaguered from studying The Islamic State and the whole geopolitical shit-show of Syria and Iraq. But I am blessed compared to those who once called the cities of Kobani, Homs, Aleppo, Sinjar, Mosul, and hundreds more small villages, home. Those meek, religious residents […]


The Forgotten Case of Kajieme Powell

Michael Brown’s death on August 9th was followed ten days later by the killing of Kajieme Powell, a twenty-five year old African-American male in St. Louis, Missouri. His death was even more gruesome than eighteen-year old Brown’s and the event was caught in its entirety on video. Kajieme was seen stealing from a convenience store, […]

Report War & Peace

Deconstructing ISIL (Part 3)

Official White House photo by Pete Souza The Red Line: Intervention in Syria and Iraq On August 21st, 2013, a chemical attack targets a Syrian rebel-held territory near Damascus, with surface rockets containing sarin, a deadly gas, killing more than one thousand civilians at once, and wounding more than three thousand. War cries for airstrikes against […]

Report War & Peace

Deconstructing ISIL (Part 2)

The Arab Spring On the seventeenth day of December, 2010, in Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself aflame  after a lifetime of struggle with oppressive police conditions and poverty. Mohamed’s final act of life came outside the municipality building of Sidi Bouzid in protest to the confiscation of his street vending wares as well as his inability to talk […]