Report War & Peace

Deconstructing ISIL (Part 1)

The New Face of War News about “The Islamic State” has been circulating widely since August 2014, when President Obama ordered a prolonged campaign of airstrikes in Iraq. The average news reader is baffled by them and the conflicts in Syria and Iraq as a whole. “Is America at war alone? Who is in this […]

Political Economy Report


How Conservatives Put Half a Million Non-Profits Out of Business John Boehner’s legacy will amount largely as being President Obama’s toughest adversary. The looming threat of John Boehner’s time bomb haunts the White House every day. I can count three instances, one of which blew up my non-profit arts production company. This personal narrative reflects […]

Humor Report

From Dirty Lenny to Louis: Pryor Trends

I’m always ready to give credit to Lenny Bruce for contemporary trends in stand up comedy, alongside friends Mort Sahl, Jonathan Winters and the other “sick” comics, to whom we owe our concept of the modern comedic performer. Lenny’s output was tremendous, generating long form bits and sketch routines with multiple characters, yet always performed solo […]