Live Music

Pebble Trio Live 11.07.15

The Pebble Trio is an improvisational music group consisting of world-traveling pianist Thollem McDonas, Reed College bass instructor Andre St. James, and local arts guru / drummer Tim Duroche. They performed on Saturday at Tabor Space, a cafe and performance hall associated with the Presbyterian Church, up the hill at southeast 55th and Belmont. A miscommunication meant that we had the entire building to ourselves, the event somehow didn’t make the official calendar. No cafe was open and the twenty people who ascended the hill to watch this group of masterful musicians perform had to share a bag of apples that Thollem provided.

They performed with great dialogue. The playlist provided herein covers about twenty minutes of their 70-minute performance. Peace 2e is an excerpt from their second improvisation, and Peace 4 is their final whole improvisation, and also closed out the show. While I was distracted taking the pictures below, I distinctly recall these moments of perfect synchronicity, and when that happens, forms emerge; fluctuations of imagery, moods, and narrative. I remember a dust cloud scattering sonically over the audience, hushing the collective inner torment. Improvised music is indefinite, so it speaks from the inner self, not about it. Here is a band, at least, that knows how to operate with technique and with that inner fire at once.

Enjoy listening, and perusing these images.

Sean Ongley

By Sean Ongley

Co-Founder of THRU Media. A background in non-profit, music, and radio preceded my ambitions here. Now, I aspire to produce new media and publish independent journalism at this site and beyond.

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