Festival Interdisciplinary

T:BA Digest Day 9: What Really Cooks?

Wednesday and Thursday were days off, other than co-hosting that radio program Wednesday morning.  As much as I needed the time to catch up on my blog and other aspects of professional life, it was also a disappointment in other ways. Mostly, I wanted to catch Sam Green and Yo La Tango doing the Buckminster […]


T:BA Digest DAY 4: A Bridge Near-Far

All right gang, its Monday, we’re back to work and the week is slowing down. On Thursday, things ramp up until Saturday when it all pops. Sunday there will be that somber feeling of loss in the air. If you want to soak that feeling in completely, attend everything on Sunday. You’ll know you’ve taken […]


T:BA DIGEST Days 1 & 2 // A Slow Start

I have been attending the Time-Based Art Festival (T:BA) presented by Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA), every year since 2007, exactly half its entire lifespan. What one begins to notice, year in and out, that you see the same faces, bodies, venues, artists, even drink specials, and such nostalgia develops that you begin to […]