Humor Thrupoint Podcast

Happy Birthday, Lenny Bruce!

THRUPOINT Podcast Episode 7 After a 7-week power outage the podcast returns on the birthday of Lenny Bruce with a special tribute program in his honor. Sean examines the life, legacy, and legal career of Lenny Bruce with cuts from his 1965 Berkeley concert and 1966 UCLA talk, a story from Danbert Nobacon, and more. […]

New Release Records

Star Stuff and Darwin Tough

Danbert Nobacon’s new protest album cannot resist toe-tapping. Resistance is the central message of Stardust to Darwinstuff, Danbert Nobacon’s newest full-length album, and it is so upbeat that you may forget you’re resisting the presidency of Donald Trump. The album is a protest, not just against Trump, but a whole generation of conservative, corporate globalist governments in […]


T:BA DIGEST Days 1 & 2 // A Slow Start

I have been attending the Time-Based Art Festival (T:BA) presented by Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA), every year since 2007, exactly half its entire lifespan. What one begins to notice, year in and out, that you see the same faces, bodies, venues, artists, even drink specials, and such nostalgia develops that you begin to […]