
Snakes Talk as Ghosts Walk

Allie Hankins curates a night of provocative humor in double bill: Ghosts and Snake Talk. Last Friday night at Performance Works Northwest, artists from Berlin, Ireland, and Oakland coalesced into a cohesive unit, despite having little to do with each other. Although their work was developed independently, it was as if specific guidelines were offered […]

Arts Review Festival

Milk Crates and Paper Towels at T:BA:14

Days 9 & 11 at T:BA:14 Day 9 I got to the workshop with Larry Arrington and Ruairi Donovan a little bit late. Everyone was seated on the floor in the space just outside (inside) the studio. Sitting in a circle, people took turns randomly sharing the skills/things they are good at/can offer. Ruairi wrote down […]