
I’m Writing a Story

My boyfriend is writing a story about a Native fisherman and his son. It is raining a lot and Portland is pale faced, getting puffy, she wears her clouds like a muu muu in the sky. His apartment faces the courtyard of a bar, a brick wall, an alley. But no, it isn’t that depressing. […]

Literature and Spoken Word

Verselandia: On Their Terms

Representing High Schools Across The City, Twenty Students Performed Slam Poetry At Verselandia 2015. It is ten minutes until seven p.m. and MC Turiya Autry (artist, educator, facilitator, keynote speaker, lecturer, performer, poet, playwright, and all-around literary superhero) is telling us that coming here, to Newmark Theatre, on April 20, 2015, for Verselandia 2015!, was […]


Tornadic Weather

The midwest throws neon colored food at us. We have something microscopic in our throats. The trees procreate with pink, twirling helicopters that Carmen decides magical. We go to to festival about a truce, called Truce Fest. We are trucing about colors of skin. You find a pair of earrings. Everything is pink here. We […]


I Go To Look At A House

I go to look at a house to rent because it is Sunday my day off and I have to find a place by Tuesday my nine hour day so I go to look at a house that is not falling down but almost, where hundreds of people before me have signed a lease and […]


Missing Children

As I mow the backyard with a pushmower in a teal sportsbra white wine with ice cubes waiting for me on the deck, a middle-aged woman calls over the fence looking for Lydia her teenage daughter. She looks like me but a teenager. Is she missing I ask, stupidly, glad I started drinking in the […]