
When Words Grab Nature. Poems by CA Guilfoyle

I want to go for a walk in the woods with CA Guilfoyle. I don’t imagine we’d say much. I’d simply want to share in the silence of the forest around us, observe her as she lets it permeate her every sense. An astute lover of nature, her poems are odes to the natural world. […]


Fertile Ground: 5th Annual Multi-Disciplinary Arts Festival

Starting next Thursday, January 22 and running through February 1, an eleven-day program called Fertile Ground will present numerous new works. Tagged “Abundant Acts of Creation in Portland”, it is a city-wide theater-centric arts festival now going in to its fifth year and will feature a multitude of genres such as dance, comedy, and staged readings. A week ago, […]


Art Jewelry Decorates a Family Tree

An afternoon with Annie Hinkes, Portland artist and jeweler, discussing her product line, Ana Eugenia. We talk about her evolution as a craftswoman and the great influences of family and the arts. Annie Hinkes’ jewelry designs bring to mind the metallic surfaces of northwest rivers. And the spectrum of blue and gray textures on the Oregon […]

Festival Literature and Spoken Word

Poetry is the New Black

Poetry Press Week 2014 at Disjecta Imagine a small, dark stage. In the center, there is a child’s bed and floor lamp. Two screens serve as the backdrop. On one, a black and white sky of furiously undulating clouds is projected, looking like the turbulent water of two whirlpools at odds, swirling in two directions. […]

America Hands Up Submit

Hands Up Submit: Open Call for Creative Expression

On several nights this week, people have gathered in downtown Portland to protest a Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson, the St. Louis County police officer who shot and killed 18-year old Michael Brown months ago, in Ferguson, Missouri. The protesters chant “Hands up, Don’t Shoot!” and “I am Mike Brown!” Marching with […]