
Hold Your Breath

How John Berry and Others Could Have Survived It was past two in the morning when the vintage buzzer to my apartment — the one connected by a single phone line from the top floor to the bottom — alarmed me awake. It has that sound of 1970’s television game shows. Very loud, and typically […]

Opinion War & Peace

It Starts Today

Protests have dwindled in America since the onset and passing of the holiday season. This time of year has a way of breaking up our worst behavior, no matter what cultural persuasion we celebrate from. That is why it might be a good time to shift our focus from protest to discussion, and that discussion […]

Hands Up Submit

It’s Our Time!

On December 6th, to culminate the afternoon’s peaceful march through downtown Portland, Don’t Shoot PDX protesters regrouped in front of the Justice Building to establish goals and discuss ongoing strategies. Afterwards, the protest organizers handed off their megaphones to anyone who wanted to share their thoughts. Isaiah Spriggs stepped forward to deliver this poem. A Poem by Isaiah Spriggs, […]

Hands Up Submit

Breathe For Justice

Publisher’s Note: The creative expression below is to be interpreted in the area of slam poetry because the writer improvises from her emotional instinct. As a protester, the writer offers a serious look in to the perspective of the movement, the essential demands of it, and the undercurrent. Submitted by Bette Lee Those damn cops […]

Hands Up Submit


Submitted by Sean R. Ongley The weight at the top is not as light as the spirit from the bottom whose plight never stops. A stranglehold is not a class problem. Education is a class problem. Ignorance causes men to kill men in defense of some unseen monster. The beast within you is you. It […]