I Should Have a Party for All the Thoughts I Didn’t Say comes from Source Material. When you’re out some place and you aren’t feeling up for the world’s cheery veneer, the internal dialogue of loneliness and despair can amplify. Surrounded by vivacious music and terrific booze hounds while you’re not feeling that mood, your […]
Category: Interdisciplinary
Her Desperate Prayer
Source Material offers Nini Julia Bang upon migration to Portland The Headwaters Theatre is not a large venue, but when you remove the seats it is obviously smaller. For A Thousand Tongues, just two and a half rows of chairs are set right onto the stage, angled to face the opposite corner. At most, twenty-five […]
Chamber of Secrets
it’s really hard :: Alembic Artists Showcase It’s the same damp walk every time to Performance Works NW. I’ve only attended three performances here and yet somehow it rained each time. Maybe it’s just Portland. I underestimated the conjugated reputation this town has with dreary weather — it’s not all gossip, but it’s lighter than that. The […]
Dear Armen is a theatre of selves told through dance It is obscure and difficult researching the life and work of Armen Ohanian, an Armenian performer, and of Sophia Pirboudaghian (Armen’s birth name). From doing so, I realized what an opportunity I missed after hastily leaving the venue last Friday. What was I rushing off for? […]
Holcombe Waller: Requiem Mass: LGBT/Working Title Go to Holcombe Waller: Requiem Mass: LGBT/Working Title alone or with someone you could sit with for hours in silence without giving a second thought to. Arrive early. Bring as little with you as possible mentally and try to exhaust whatever is left before you land. If you must, stroll […]