Festival Literature and Spoken Word

Poetry is the New Black

Poetry Press Week 2014 at Disjecta Imagine a small, dark stage. In the center, there is a child’s bed and floor lamp. Two screens serve as the backdrop. On one, a black and white sky of furiously undulating clouds is projected, looking like the turbulent water of two whirlpools at odds, swirling in two directions. […]

Literature and Spoken Word

Charm of Her Truth: The Enduring Pull of Anne Sexton

An ode to Anne Sexton on her birthday and forty years after her death. She would be 86 years old today, but only her poetry shall live through the ages. This past Sunday was the poet Anne Sexton’s birthday and I fantasized that I attended a party for her, fashionable with a small and select […]

Literature and Spoken Word

A Lexicon of Mind-Splitting Thrills

The relatively new novel by Author, Max Berry, entitled Lexicon is equally mind opening and thrilling. It explores a very important function governing human consciousness, while telling a story so compelling that it could be any heist or fugitive premise and retain artistic merit. The exploration in to human persuasion and language could go even further. But […]

Literature and Spoken Word Political Economy

Democracy > Capitalism > Internet < Hope

You will never hear me utter the phrase, “I couldn’t agree more,” because nothing is entirely agreeable. The title to this book seems disagreeable for many, especially at first. Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy, does not read as some absurdly unsupported rant. Indeed, nothing can be more agreeable than the […]

Comedy Festival

Day 4: Bridgetown Rewards Program

If you’re reading this, you’re either reaching for the last possible thread of Bridgetown or you’re watching life pass you by and need a distraction; perhaps things are more grey than that. I’ll offer an alternative then: Rewards. So anyway, let’s get back to it. First I’ll explain some things quick. Why haven’t I focused […]