Photography Visual

Mefore Aday Exhibit March 2017

Mefore Aday opened the new THRU Gallery last March Washington-based artist Mary Aday changed her first name to represent her mission as an artist. The work she puts out reflects an unusual perspective, putting you in her shoes in a way. She sees the grotesque in reality but never without humor and innocence. She grew up […]

Profile Visual

Brightening the Noise

Simplicity marks the art, music, and life of Alejandro Ceballos After meeting Alejandro Ceballos, it took months to learn that he was a painter. I think he is one of these folks living dual lives, but not in a dishonest way, just quietly, un-showing of any real stress from raising children as a starving visual […]

Essay Profile Stories Visual

The First Weirdo I Met in Oregon

Getting to know a friend through her art: A look at Mary Aday a.k.a Mefore Aday, THRU Gallery’s Debut Art Exhibit When Mary Aday first moved to Portland from the South in 2005, a few of her new classmates at Oregon College of Art and Craft would ask her to repeat: Bright. White. Light. In […]

Film Video Visual

How To Capture a Hemisphere

World Wide Wall tells the story of the Portland Mercado Mural. In the fall of 2014, two artists were chosen by Hacienda CDC to collaborate and represent Southeast Portland’s brand new mercado as a haven for Latin American culture in Portland. This original THRU documentary tells how the mural at Portland Mercado was created by artists Pablo Solares and Rachel Oleson. Nobody […]

New Release Records Visual

The Chronology of Color

Qasim Naqvi’s musical response to the art of Pippo Lionni I received my copy of Chronology several months back. Composer Qasim Naqvi had asked me to review his forthcoming album before the experimental/electronic music label, New Amsterdam Records, picked it up for release on November 4. The first time I heard it, I wasn’t sure what to […]