
Post5 to Grow Onward Post Boice

Just as a single year of our lives can pose unlimited opportunities for change, Post5 Theater has faced its own since its conception four years ago. At its dawn in 2011, it was a mere reverie connecting two young men: Ty Boice and Orion Bradshaw. Today, this reality is to be passed on to new […]


No Blemish But the Mind

Admittedly, I’m not as familiar with Shakespeare as I’d prefer to be. Despite having taken a class on his work in my senior year of high school, my knowledge and recollection of it have escaped me similar to that of my Spanish. Three years studied,  six years unpracticed and I can barely construct a paragraph […]

Festival Theatre

Gender Studies

Cassandra Boice’s Gender Tree sparks a conversation many here in Portland want to have. Imagine descending a small flight of stairs into a hallway partially illuminated by quivering fluorescent lights. Alright, they aren’t actually quivering – just go with it anyway. In the distance you can make out some of what looks like a dated, unpigmented bathroom. Even closer, […]