Humor Thrupoint Podcast

Happy Birthday, Lenny Bruce!

THRUPOINT Podcast Episode 7 After a 7-week power outage the podcast returns on the birthday of Lenny Bruce with a special tribute program in his honor. Sean examines the life, legacy, and legal career of Lenny Bruce with cuts from his 1965 Berkeley concert and 1966 UCLA talk, a story from Danbert Nobacon, and more. […]

New Release Records

Star Stuff and Darwin Tough

Danbert Nobacon’s new protest album cannot resist toe-tapping. Resistance is the central message of Stardust to Darwinstuff, Danbert Nobacon’s newest full-length album, and it is so upbeat that you may forget you’re resisting the presidency of Donald Trump. The album is a protest, not just against Trump, but a whole generation of conservative, corporate globalist governments in […]


11 Albums that Don’t Suck From the Class of 2000

Featured image taken from Woodstock 1999 The late nineties are never going down in history as a renaissance period for music. It is no golden age, nor even something we want to think about very often. It’s not like the much derided Eighties because that actually was a pioneering time, full of experiments and burgeoning record […]