
Phantom Parents

Jenny Scholten reviews Mothering Inside, a documentary film about incarcerated motherhood. When we consider prison, we imagine with dread an abysmal nothingness that is the partial fulfillment of basic needs and not much else. Outside of those prerequisites there isn’t much to pin our focus on besides returning to our families and to our lives. In Brian […]


The Planetary Dance, an Offering for Everyone

All photography by Sean Ongley The fifteen-mile drive to St. John’s from my home fostered many daydreams as a ride into the city will. I felt a spectrum of scattered thought-clouds from the last few days folding into the vibrating wind that stirs within the core of each of us — that which I’ve felt especially sensitive to […]


The General Magic of Risk

Dani Tirrel’s The Beautiful pictured above. Tonight marks the final presentation of Portland’s Risk/Reward Festival of New Performance. Running for two weekends at the Artist Repertory Theatre, the festival features works that encompass originality and thoughtfulness, casting a handful of themes into one multidimensional, collective backdrop. Here is a run-down of this week’s four debut performances. […]



Wore it like a witch tracing fingertips along a silver belly. Snake River. Shivered twice as onyx trailed behind, once for me, once for mine. Pagan whispers bade, inch closer, further the ermine. Drips of a soul folded into the jagged excrement of that bluff. That blind chasm. Widows peak, it seemed, sublime. Drunk on […]


Feed Your Head

I remember suffering the idea of college throughout high school. While most of my classmates were off applying to universities far and wide, I was not, and I recall a formative alienation from them. Similar to many my age, I had no idea what my degree would read at college graduation, not even an inkling. […]