Conspiracy Thrupoint Podcast

Newsgate! Is Conspiracy the New News?

Cornelius Swart discusses the discipline of journalism, why it is perceived as fake, how it can save us from propaganda, and how to be a more vigilant media consumer. Sean introduces the program with a reading from Krishnamurti, and begins the trickle of Pizzagate revelations soon to be published. Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory born […]

Current Events Thrupoint Podcast

From All Sides of the Portland Mega Protest

Music for this podcast comes from Protestant Work Ethic, a song called, “As They Are Blown Here and There.” On Sunday, there was a mega protest bringing a spectrum of political persuasion into a single campus in downtown Portland, Oregon. From City Hall, where non-violent resistance was preached, to Chapman Square where anarchists riled things […]

Profile Visual

A Pointed Light: Keylay Tukor

777 Drawings to show at THRU Gallery this June. Nearly two years ago, I was taking an aimless late summer evening walk through downtown Portland. I lived in Goose Hollow and I took frequent walks into the heart of the city. The excitement to build THRU as a magazine enabled me to spend entire days […]

New Release Records

Star Stuff and Darwin Tough

Danbert Nobacon’s new protest album cannot resist toe-tapping. Resistance is the central message of Stardust to Darwinstuff, Danbert Nobacon’s newest full-length album, and it is so upbeat that you may forget you’re resisting the presidency of Donald Trump. The album is a protest, not just against Trump, but a whole generation of conservative, corporate globalist governments in […]

Photography Visual

Alejandro Ceballos Exhibit April 2017

Alejandro Ceballos’ colorful abstractions enlivened THRU Gallery last April Just one week before the next art opening was supposed to take place, for the gallery that we had just inaugurated only three weeks prior, and we had nobody booked. A chance run-in with Alejandro Ceballos provided the perfect solution to ground us for another month. He […]