
Forest Bathing with Christina Sullivan

Featured Image by the artist’s sister, Carolyn Sullivan. Ottawa Painter Christina Sullivan is having her first art show ever in Portland. When Christina Sullivan was studying ecosystem reforestation in Ottawa, she was encouraged to touch everything in nature — tree branches to the soil. She got in the habit of “feeling nature,” continuously finding new […]

Photography Visual

Mefore Aday Exhibit March 2017

Mefore Aday opened the new THRU Gallery last March Washington-based artist Mary Aday changed her first name to represent her mission as an artist. The work she puts out reflects an unusual perspective, putting you in her shoes in a way. She sees the grotesque in reality but never without humor and innocence. She grew up […]


Take Me to the…  Library!

Featured image of Keller Auditorium at night. Portland Opera visits the Cenral Library for free previews all season long. Think of a movie where an operatic voice lifts and moves you through a scene; a death scene, love consummated, a plot-revealing monologue, a car pile-up. Heart palpitating on the waves of the aria, heightening the seriousness, inflaming […]

Thrupoint Podcast

Danbert Nobacon, Darwin, and Anarchy

Songwriter and multi-disciplinary artist Danbert Nobacon talks with host Sean Ongley about anarchism, education, social integration, and the creative process involved with his new album, Stardust to Darwinstuff, released with his new studio band, The Axis of Dissent. Oh, we also get to hear about Chumbawamba here and there. Danbert plays “Revolution 9.01” live and […]

New Release Records

I’m Having Bertucci Tremors

Lea Bertucci’s All That Is Solid Melts Into Air I lay awake at night listening to the scratchy strings of a post-post-modernist whose youth finds the profound in things that occupy physical space, and I’m worried that if I fall asleep then gremlins will come pouring out from beneath the bed. New York based talent […]