
Hold Your Breath

How John Berry and Others Could Have Survived It was past two in the morning when the vintage buzzer to my apartment — the one connected by a single phone line from the top floor to the bottom — alarmed me awake. It has that sound of 1970’s television game shows. Very loud, and typically […]

Opinion War & Peace

It Starts Today

Protests have dwindled in America since the onset and passing of the holiday season. This time of year has a way of breaking up our worst behavior, no matter what cultural persuasion we celebrate from. That is why it might be a good time to shift our focus from protest to discussion, and that discussion […]

Hands Up Submit

Breathe For Justice

Publisher’s Note: The creative expression below is to be interpreted in the area of slam poetry because the writer improvises from her emotional instinct. As a protester, the writer offers a serious look in to the perspective of the movement, the essential demands of it, and the undercurrent. Submitted by Bette Lee Those damn cops […]

America Opinion

It Stops Today!

When I heard about the shooting of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri, it felt like old hat news, something that would disappear in a few days. I was hearing about police brutality since I was ten years old, starting with the Rodney King riots. The resounding question, “can we all get along?” became […]