
The Mirror is Sebastião Salgado

I have seen nothing in my years on this planet. Not a thing. Of course, you realize this is not a revelation and that I’m speaking figuratively as we know I’ve not seen nothing in my life. However, I dare you to try not to feel that way about your own life after watching The […]


This Could Be Your Neighborhood

Our Town sets the bar for the fall season at Portland Center Stage. With Our Town, directed by Rose Riordan, opening another theatre season at The Armory, Portland Center Stage demonstrates they are willing to take risks. This play by Thornton Niven Wilder breaks the laws of narrative and almost every firm rule, even in […]


Waiting for, well, Whatever You Want to Be…

Death comes to us all. Tragically, for some, that dreaded expiration date is sooner than later. However low this indefatigable cloud of doom hangs over our life journey is irrelevant because there is a bright, guiding North star shining through for humanity. We, as individuals, posses a certain level of control over our lives. That […]


How would Kafka point a gun?

The Artists Repertory Theater kicks off its season with Theresa Rebeck’s meta-comedy The Understudy. In a scene midway through Theresa Rebeck’s glimpse into the world of theater understudies, the question is repeatedly posed, “how would Franz Kafka point a gun?” Would it be slick and confident, like action star Jake (Jared Q. Miller) demonstrates? Would […]

Festival Interdisciplinary

T:BA:15 as it Happened to Jen

Holcombe Waller: Requiem Mass: LGBT/Working Title  Go to Holcombe Waller: Requiem Mass: LGBT/Working Title alone or with someone you could sit with for hours in silence without giving a second thought to. Arrive early. Bring as little with you as possible mentally and try to exhaust whatever is left before you land. If you must, stroll […]