
Two Davids Talking: One Famous, One Regular

A Movie Based on a Book Based on an Interview About a Book: James Ponsoldt’s The End of the Tour I’ve never read Infinite Jest. Due to its half a million-plus word count, it’s probably safe to assume I’m not the only one. The seminal novel’s author, David Foster Wallace’s specter has grown not only […]


Inside Shakespeare’s Bardo

This week, Post5 Theatre exposed themselves unabashedly for being irreverent Shakespeare producers, by performing The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) Revised. And Saturday night, they wrap up the Shakespeare season with Much Ado About Nothing, a 1950’s themed adaptation on the virtually ancient play. They have performed much of that sort of material: lively, […]


Phantom Parents

Jenny Scholten reviews Mothering Inside, a documentary film about incarcerated motherhood. When we consider prison, we imagine with dread an abysmal nothingness that is the partial fulfillment of basic needs and not much else. Outside of those prerequisites there isn’t much to pin our focus on besides returning to our families and to our lives. In Brian […]


Reflections of Donovan M. Smith

Young creative entrepreneur talks about his provocative clothing line and his hometown of Portland. The first time I met Donovan Mickey Smith was on a late-night Tri-Met city bus heading north to Lombard Street. Before him and I got to talking, I dropped in on a conversation he was having with a fellow passenger, an […]

Literature and Spoken Word

“A Self In The Image of Art. Not God. Not Father.”

When Lidia Yuknavitch took the podium at Powell’s Books a few weeks ago, I think all of us in the room were blushing – including her. She was nervous. “I’m bad at this,” she said about talking in front of people. She made a few jokes as she swung her long blond hair over her shoulder […]