
The Planetary Dance, an Offering for Everyone

All photography by Sean Ongley The fifteen-mile drive to St. John’s from my home fostered many daydreams as a ride into the city will. I felt a spectrum of scattered thought-clouds from the last few days folding into the vibrating wind that stirs within the core of each of us — that which I’ve felt especially sensitive to […]


Catherine Russell is a Summer Breeze

When Catherine Russell joined the instrumental trio on stage Thursday night at Jimmy Mak’s, she tied together a lustrous scene. In front of plush red curtains, a thick velvety backdrop that looked sturdy enough to support her if she fell back, the jazz vocalist from New York sparkled in the loose lace of a black […]


Obsession with The Master

How I discovered film and its American guru. My first exposure to the films of Paul Thomas Anderson occurred when I was in 7th grade, although I did not actually see one. It was at the local dollar theater in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a beloved spot, but tragically financially challenged. My brother Nicholas went to see […]


Pure Surface Turns One

Pure Surface new performance series celebrates its first anniversary. Over the past year, Pure Surface has explored the collaboration of different forms, with the bodies and minds of multi-disciplinary artists coming together in Portland. I recently learned about the series through co-Founder Stacey Tran, having been moved by her presentation at Poetry Press Week. On a […]


The General Magic of Risk

Dani Tirrel’s The Beautiful pictured above. Tonight marks the final presentation of Portland’s Risk/Reward Festival of New Performance. Running for two weekends at the Artist Repertory Theatre, the festival features works that encompass originality and thoughtfulness, casting a handful of themes into one multidimensional, collective backdrop. Here is a run-down of this week’s four debut performances. […]