
When I Was Wild and Other Poems

Image by Pok Rie Ocean Home Living on the ocean as I do, I hunt fish and mollusks my kin are otters and whales, wide eyed we dive the night waves, soft in lullabies in a sea dream, starlit and moon cradled my lips are sparkling and salt flecked my eyes wide awake from sleep […]


The Trailing Stars & Other Poems

The Trailing Stars It is summer, and soon the Perseid showers I have gone from my desert home I wander far from crowded towns my feet here in grassy, bee clover on a summery hill, all daisy flowered green, with wild blackberries awaiting the August sun fire. Here amid the slowing of mars retrograde of […]


Transfixed by Night Skies

A collection of poems turning our attention to the night sky. Of stars Winter, the amber fire of ashen woods, we burned wet the smolder of mire the water and the fire dark ancestress home nights, moon shivering, cold stars fixed or falling beyond the skies fiery yields only dying embers lost in oblivion’s field […]