
The Mirror is Sebastião Salgado

I have seen nothing in my years on this planet. Not a thing. Of course, you realize this is not a revelation and that I’m speaking figuratively as we know I’ve not seen nothing in my life. However, I dare you to try not to feel that way about your own life after watching The […]


Phantom Parents

Jenny Scholten reviews Mothering Inside, a documentary film about incarcerated motherhood. When we consider prison, we imagine with dread an abysmal nothingness that is the partial fulfillment of basic needs and not much else. Outside of those prerequisites there isn’t much to pin our focus on besides returning to our families and to our lives. In Brian […]


Obsession with The Master

How I discovered film and its American guru. My first exposure to the films of Paul Thomas Anderson occurred when I was in 7th grade, although I did not actually see one. It was at the local dollar theater in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a beloved spot, but tragically financially challenged. My brother Nicholas went to see […]


The Sleepy Soldier

Ai Wei-Wei is seeding the flowers of revolution in the grounds of justice. He leans back in the chair on the patio under the soft sunlight while his friend fusses around on a smart phone, arguing that Ai Wei-Wei himself said that political art cannot be art. Eyes lidded, his rotund gut supporting folded arms, […]


Enjoyable Eclectic Collection at Northwest Filmmakers Festival

I have many alarming and unsettling thoughts swimming in my head on a regular basis, akin to a piranha eating away at my identity, sanity, and psychological safety. I’d like to think these are common: the unforeseen malignant brain tumor developing in my head, and the inherent paranoia of some ominous, all-seeing ‘big eye’/’power that be’ pulling the strings of […]