
A Rainbow Crossing for 21C

Not since the Fremont Bridge was completed forty-two years ago has a bridge spanning the Willamette river been opened in Portland, until just this weekend when The Tilikum Crossing opened. It is the city’s first bridge of the 21st century, linking the southwest waterfront to one of the city’s industrial hubs on the east side. There […]


Photo Set: Bernie Sanders Rallies

Forward by Jen Scholten Portland’s rally last Sunday, August 9th drew together thousands of increasingly conscious minds — nearly 30,000 to be precise. The overall volume of physical bodies and voices was enough to boom our souls into space and away from the issues so immediate in our world. We remain grounded with a man […]

Festival Music Photography

Photo Set: Quiet Music Festival

The 5th Annual Quiet Music Festival came and went quietly, but not unnoticed. Things grew; audience attendance doubled from 2014, according to photographic memory (see last year’s review linked below), and the stage was much larger while seating appeared to expand as well. More people absorbed every pillow and rug to fill rows of seats […]

Festival Photography

Photo Set: Improvisation Summit of Portland

Ambit was on the scene for almost all of Creative Music Guild’s annual festival, which brings improvised dance and music together through collaborative performance. Images of the event are special, in that they represent an immediate experience, one that cannot necessarily be replicated. Photography captures the moment which is completely fleeting, and in improvisation, the moment […]